Valuation FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Why do I need a Valuation?

    • Valuations by a Registered Valuer are required as proof of ownership. For Insurance Reasons. Valuations are required by the majority of insurance companies to provide adequate cover for your most prized treasures.
    • Item for Sale. Valuations help you obtain the best price on a fair and open market and give potential buyers confidence to buy, making the item more attractive to potential buyers, in this day and age with so many synthetics on the market posing as genuine natural gemstones, knowing the gemstones have been tested and are natural and not synthetic, (when the value is much less) with a certificate from an independent valuer.
    • Divorce Settlement. Sadly this is a fact of life now and a valuation will be required by legal practitioners.
    • Deceased Estate. A valuation will certify the market value of the item when a beloved passes on.

    2. Why Should I choose a Registered Certified Valuer?

    • To ensure that your insurance company will accept the valuation.

    3. How long will it take for a valuation to be done?

    • This obviously depends on the number and complexity of your items. As a general guide, when you make an appointment to have a valuation preformed, after gaining the relevant information from you, you are welcome to stay and watch whilst we perform the testing and photographic process. This can take approximately one hour per item. Your item is then returned to your possession and you are free to leave, we will make arrangements for you to collect the completed certificate at a mutually convenient time. You are welcome to stay and wait for your certificate. "Approximately another hour or so" there are comfortable lounge chairs, free refreshments and plenty of reading material available within our air-conditioned gem laboratory.

    4. Can you value a ring I brought over the internet?

    • We value all jewellery, no matter where it was purchased. The type of value placed upon your jewellery will be your choice. The most common being Insurance Value, but Retail Replacement is also a choice for those wishing to sell their goods. We will go through your options with you when you arrive for your appointment.

    5. What is an Independent Valuer?

    • An independent valuer is a qualified individual whose sole business is the Identification, Appraisal and Valuation of jewellery and precious metal items (gold & silver ). We are not owned, employed by or affiliated to any Insurance Company, or broker, retail jeweller, or any company that would have a vested interest in the value placed on items. We are totally unbiased and independent.

    6. Why does it cost so much to have a Valuation performed?

    • There is a common misconception that valuations are completed in the same manner as “on the Antiques Road Show”. This is not the case at all, the hours of research; examination, testing and compiling the information for showing on the screen are not shown as it would not make compelling viewing. The viewer merely sees the result of the work, not the work itself. When you hire our services, you are seeking our professional advice; you must expect to pay a reasonable price for an expert opinion and evaluation. Our fee not only covers the time it takes to prepare a valuation certificate in which you can have confidence, but also the investment in the training, equipment and other resources that are necessary for the job to be well done. In this case, as in most, the cheapest is not always the best. Our prices are not based upon a percentage of the value of you item (we consider such a practice unethical) you will be told before we start work what the price will be.

    7. Can you Appraise/Value my jewellery in my home?

    • No, because of the need for consistent lighting and controllable conditions, and because it is impossible to bring all the necessary equipment and research material to your home, we insist that you come to our Gem Lab.

    8. Why should I have my Gemstones and jewellery valued for Insurance purposes?

    • A Valuation certificate for your precious items is so much more than a listing of their values. It provides you with peace of mind that in the event of a loss, the detailed description and photographs will allow a fitting replacement to be supplied, or prove that a recovered item is actually yours. The schedule provides proof of ownership. Did you realise that if you cannot prove that the item belongs to you, it could, in some circumstances, be returned to the suspected burglar?

    9. What does "Appraisal" and "Valuation" mean? What is the difference?

    • These terms can often cause confusion as people tend to use the terms “Valuer” and “Valuation” to cover the whole area covered by Appraisal and valuation. Strictly speaking, an appraisal is the judgement, assessment and quantification of the piece of jewellery and its component parts. For example this would include such things as the quality and weight of the gold/platinum/silver, the workmanship, the identity and quality of any gemstones including their weight and dimensions etc. etc. Valuation is the calculation of the item's financial value. So it can be seen that it is impossible to have an accurate valuation, without an accurate appraisal.

    10. What is your "Lifetime Client Service"?

    • We believe that we would not be giving you a good service if the service finished when you walk out of our doors. Once you have had a valuation carried out by us, you are automatically included in this service. The major benefits are: Half price charge to update the valuation, to cover the cost of the report. We will contact you every 3 years to invite you to update your valuation, to ensure that the valuation remains at current values.